In the Media
Why a VPN isn't always the right answer...
(Remote access to a dLink camera). Tim Panton You have an IoT device that sits behind NAT (which is true of allmost all IoT) -...
Welcome to our blog!
Tim Panton This is the place where we lift the covers and show you what we have been up to. Things we will write about...
An experiment in security by design
Tim Panton For the last couple of years I have been going to B-sides events. These provide a way of keeping me up to date...
The future of WebRTC
Tim Panton 9 years ago I gave a talk at IIT Chicago’s Realtime Communications conference I was trying to predict the impact WebRTC would have...
Tips and tricks to make them tick.
Tim Panton I have fond memories of going to cluecon in person So I was delighted to speak at it this year (albeit virtually) I...
Introducing whipie - an open source WHIP client for the raspberry pi.
Tim Panton I gave this talk at commcon In it I introduce whipie - an open source WHIP client for the raspberry pi. I also...
New APIs, WHIP, edge and web 2.5
Tim Panton A year ago I gave a talk at FOSDEM about how WebRTC got to be the way it is. This year I talked...
Part 1 - tuning webRTC for the network
Tim Panton I gave this talk at Kamaillio World 2023 It is about our experiences with streaming very low latency live video from moving objects....